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Tampereen työväen teatteriBlack Box Info Channel system to TTT-Theatre in Tampere, FinlandTTT-Theatre - Tampere Workers Theatre - has presented cultural experiences to its audience already more than 100 years. After the completion of the new modern theatre building in 1985 the performances have been given on three stages. Of the modern operation is also telling a Black Box Info Channel system with 12 screens that has been built to show versatile content to audience in lobbies. The project started from the need of the theatre to show the audience the other program available. Besides the performance calendar they also wanted to show trailers of other performances and guide and serve the audience with current and useful information. Black Box tailored a comprehensive entity- The contact with Black Box was established through familiar partners who knew the company formerly, says Mr. Rauli Kovalainen, Technical Manager of TTT-Theatre. - A representative from Black Box came to visit us, we explained our needs and he presented a solution to fulfil them. The solution could be tailored to our very needs so we got a flexible solution that can be expanded and modified also in the future. - Now we can show the audience advertisements and information according to needs and precisely timed, continues Mr. Kovalainen. - In each lobby we show trailers from other performances. Before the start of the play we can promote half time servings and advise people to reserve the service in advance. After the performance we can show buss schedules and the order phone number for taxi together with restaurant advertisements. With the system it is possible to show still images, graphics, running texts and live video. It is also possible to show a live broadcast from the stage. The theatre rents its premises for company events and it is possible to show company information either from a memory device or directly from the Internet. Existing cabling was utilized- When installing the system we were able to utilize a lot the existing data cabling of the building, says Mr. Kovalainen. - A Black Box specialist came to explore the cabling and designed a plan for making the installation in practice. After that the cabling was tested and distances for necessary signal converters were calculated. To the Cellar Theatre there is a fiber connection, which we could to utilize to cover the slightly longer distance. - Black Box made the investigation and everything was tested in advance. They had a good confidence on their technology and with their work the people of Black Box convinced also us, thanks Mr. Kovalainen. - The practical installation was carried out by our own installers according to Black Box plans and the utilization of existing cables helped us to well control the expenses. After the installation was completed a Black Box installer came to connect all the active devices and after a short training the theatre was able to use their new system. According to Mr. Kovalainen it is very easy to operate the system and the only big job is to produce new content all the time. The marketing people of the theatre operate the system and the in-house computer support is responsible for technical functioning of the system. Black Box Info Channel was the right solution![]() On most screens of TTT-Theatre they currently show same content and because of the natural background noise in lobbies the possibility for audio is not used. In the future the system can be expanded and modified completely according to needs. Each screen can have its own content, sources for content can be added if needed and just adding loudspeakers can include audio. - Black Box Info Channel system has improved the customer service of our theatre just according to our wishes, we are very satisfied, says Mr. Kovalainen. - Also the expertise and service attitude of Black Box people deserves a reward. The design, tailoring and completion of the system were fluent and the result meets our desires. |